Find the Order of the Flesh

Walk to the right

Touch the medallions

Pick up the hidden batteries from one of the random locations
(the location is chosen randomly every time you enter the area)
(the batteries are not marked with a hotspot indicator)

Pick up the scrub brush

Return to the car

Talk to Pauline

Pick up the shovel

Pick up the cooking pot

Pick up the bottle of salt

Pick up the bottle of sulfur

Pick up the bottle of mercury

Pick up the bottle of clear alcohol

Pick up the bottle of vinegar

Walk to the right

Fill the cooking pot with water from the lake

Return to the car

Put the pot of water on the camping stove

Use the lighter with the camping stove

Remove the pot of hot water from the stove

Walk to the right

Return to the cross

Add some vinegar to the pot of hot water

Dip the scrub brush into the pot of hot water and vinegar

Use the wet scrub brush to clean the cross
(clean one of the points on the cross not the middle)

Use the shovel to dig in front of the cross

Pour some salt into the top hole in the cross
(must have cleaned the cross)

Pour some sulfur into the left hole in the cross

Use the knife to unplug the right hole in the cross

Pour some mercury into the right hole in the cross
(must have unplugged the hole)

Pour some alcohol into the bottom hole in the cross

Use the lighter with the bottom hole in the cross

Say anything

Say murder

Say anything

Say anything

Say anything

Save Boris

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