Save Pauline

Use the katana to open the window on the left

Talk to Olhak Adirf

Play the numbers game

Hold up any number of fingers

Cheat by counting the number of fingers in Olhak's shadow
(must have opened the window)

Select the small vices treasure as your reward
(must have won the numbers game)

Put the katana in the mouth of the dragon yak

Leave through the door on the right

Use the razor to unscrew the monster faces from the door

Leave through the doorway on the right

Pick up the rope on the sled

Pick up the planks at the bottom of the bridge

Return to the temple

Walk to the right

Use the monster faces to join the planks
(must have selected the small vices treasure)

Use the plank with the log

Pick up one of the closed bags on the left

Place the bag on the plank

Use the rope to tie up the log

Push the log

Find a Weapon

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